or red hot poker, as it's commonly known....rather a misnomer as it comes in a variety of hot colours.
Fiery reds, bright oranges, yellows and even a cooler cream are available. Some are even dual-coloured.
This beautiful orange variety, mango popsicle, is one of my favourites among the many and varied in our own garden. Hailing originally from Africa, they enjoy a sunny, well drained spot and particularly suit coastal gardens which tend to have a more free-draining soil. They are not so keen on being too wet over winter but if you choose the right spot they are a perennial which will reward you by being very long-lived!
Good planting companions are low grasses which they can tower through and a flat or frothy headed plant such as achillia and alchemilla mollis make good foils. Try a few different varieties in your sunny border for a totally tropical taste of Africa.....